Multiple eco-systems and bonhomie besot the Lawson's Fork River Valley, an oasis within the City.
Furcate of streams as seen from the Highlands. Kayakers will face a portage downstream in Glendale.
Great Wall of Spartanburg which ironically keeps in Vikings and keeps out Cavaliers. It winds for nearly a quarter mile in the Upper Valley.
View upstream within Upper Valley. To the left is Converse Heights, to the right Fernwood. Kayakers will need to portage around White's Mill a couple of miles ahead.
Amphitheater of the Americas in Lower Valley. Uh Bob, wait for the audience and don't be ventose!
Footbridge over Footleton Swamp connecting Lower Valley to Pine Forest. Quite likely that deer, foxes, raccoons, and their ilk reside deep within this boscage during daylight hours.
Lambent light and shadows lead one to kefish comtemplation looking west.
Reconnoiter of Big Bend Littoral reveals a ruck of shells from freshwater crustaceans.
Big Bend Littoral with dense frondescence on the antipode shore.
Private bridge leading to river in Middle Valley.
Crimson Falls. Legend has it that this Upper Valley waterfall is named for pirate "Crimson Jack," who explored this area on a tramontane expedition long before dams and water use lowered the surface level of the river.